Beschreibung / NUPU 3 Pussy Lips
NUPU 3 Pussy Lips - Ein realistisches 2-Loch Blowjob-Spielzeug
Erfülle deine sexuellen Wünsche mit dem NUPU 3 Pussy Lips
Tauche ein in ein außergewöhnliches Masturbationserlebnis mit dem NUPU 3 Pussy Lips, ausgestattet mit zwei verlockenden Öffnungen. Dieses innovative Onahole vereint realistische Nachbildungen von Mund und Vagina, jede mit einer einzigartigen Textur.
Zwei Öffnungen für doppelten Genuss: Mund oder Pussy!
Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Onaholes, die nur ein einziges Loch bieten, bietet das NUPU 3 Pussy Lips sowohl einen Mund als auch eine Vagina, beide voller einzigartiger Stimulationszonen. Die zylindrische Form des Spielzeugs ermöglicht dir, es fest in der Hand zu halten, egal welche Öffnung du bevorzugst.
Erlebe beim Eindringen in den Mund die Stimulation durch weiche Zähne, die dein Glied umfassen und einen realistischen Blowjob simulieren. Bewege das Spielzeug und genieße ein Gefühl, das einem echten Blowjob erstaunlich nahekommt. Entdecke einen Tunnel, der sich wie ein echter Rachen anfühlt!
Wähle die Vagina für ein intensives Erlebnis durch ein enges Vaginalloch. Die Schamlippen und der Schlitz ermöglichen ein leichtes Eindringen. Spüre enge Rillen und Perlenringe, die dir zu einem unglaublichen Höhepunkt verhelfen.
Realistische Merkmale innen und außen
Äußerlich erscheint das NUPU 3 Pussy Lips wie ein typisches Onahole mit zylindrischer Form. Fahre mit deinen Fingern darüber und genieße die weiche Hauttextur. Die Form ermöglicht eine einfache Handhabung, ob mit einer oder beiden Händen für intensivere Stöße.
Das Blowjob-Loch bietet eine realistische Mund- und Rachenstruktur für ein echtes Erlebnis. Das Vaginalloch hingegen verfügt über eine innere Struktur, die fast wie eine echte Vagina wirkt, wenn nicht sogar besser. Erlebe die dreifache G-Punkt-Zone und eine Spannungszone, die sich wunderbar anfühlt.
Langlebiges Material für viele Sitzungen
Das NUPU 3 Pussy Lips besteht aus hochwertigem, robustem und dennoch elastischem Material, das deinen intensiven Stößen standhält. Egal ob du schnell oder langsam und tief masturbierst, dieses Onahole ist perfekt für dich geeignet.
Achte auf die richtige Reinigung und Pflege, um das Spielzeug lange nutzen zu können. Dank des praktischen Designs ist es leicht zu reinigen. Einfach von einer der beiden Öffnungen ausspülen und den inneren Teil schnell reinigen.
Erfülle deine sexuellen Wünsche mit dem NUPU 3 Pussy Lips und genieße ein realistisches und intensives Masturbationserlebnis!
Onahole Länge: 200mm
Vagina Breite: 75 mm
Mund Breite: 72 mm
Länge des Mundtunnels
Gewicht: 490 Gramm
Marke: XTC Japan

The only downside is that even if you clean it and be careful with it, or well... Careful is a stretch i guess..
But anyways even if you do maintain it well, the teeth will becoome loose at some point, and the "firmness" of the throat becomes less. But you can actually still get a similar feeling out of it just with applying pressure, but yeah for me it's not the same so I come back and buy it again. xD
Anyways bought several NUPU versions several times now.
And I know people will usually say that the Verita BJ's are the best. But nah.
I mean even tho I did enjoy the Verita BJ's that I had at some point, the problem with those is that they are not large enough and even tho stretching the material out is kinda fun and tight, I do prefer the open BJ toys.
Unless ofc the Tunnel is long enough, hopefully "Geki-Fera Indecent Maria Nagai " will be available again at some point so that I can try that one, but for now the open BJ's are King.
BTW @MotsuToys I still remember the times when the ONDO! NUPU was sold for 7.95€.. BRING IT BACK PLS XD
The pussy side is OK, a bit tight for me (I'm average lenght & girth).
Cleaning is easy thanks to the design.
The lips lose color after some uses, but that was to be expected so no problems.
It's hard for me to say if this is better than the NUPU 3 Sujiman Onahole, but it's definitely amazing to use!
The Entire Shape is bland and looks/feels like a burrito - but in a Funny and Good way
What really made me Buy it was because of the Cheap Price of 30 Euro for a Double Way Onahole as I wanted to test 2 Things: A "Mouth" Onahole aswell as how a Onahole that has 2 Openings would feel (as Air can get trough I wanted to test if the Natural Vacuum effect still exists)
The Vacuum effect is.. slightly there? Maybe its because the Inner Part is very tight at one point, its not nearly as strong as on Closed Onaholes but the Sensation from this Onahole is good enough to be Overshadowed for a Missing Vaccuum effect - because: The Mouth feels Amazing. Visually Appealing, it looks extremely Realistic, is fun to play with and has some good Texture. The Tongue and the inner Part, the Teeth and all are amazing and feel amazing too. As the teeth are Harder than the Rest of the Onahole it gives a real Realistic Feeling to it.
For the Pussy all I can say that it feels nicely Detailed inside and Outside. At first I was against the Visuals of the Vagina (too Obscene because of the Labia) but quickly forgot that as the Labia "clamps" onto you once you exit from it - which is a very interesting albeit small sensation - but overall its nice.
Only Minor Cons / Noteworthy Information would be that:
The Teeth "might hurt" if you use it too roughly (on the glans) (maybe thats just me),
When inserting into the Mouth you might need to adjust yourself to hit the throat as I sometimes didnt "find the hole"
(Not really a Con but-) I didnt feel (?) or notice these Transluscent Rings that are portrayed in the Official Preview Pictures, but that isnt a Issue
In the End - this has been one of my best Buys and I highly Recommend it if youre still new to Onaholes (as its basically a 2 in 1 Pack to Learn more about different Sensations)
As always - Motsutoy Delivery went Flawlessly within 2 Days too.
Weitere Informationen
Produktgewicht | 490,00 g |
International Reviews
It's a good toy, the pussy side maybe feels slightly plain but what keeps me coming back to this one is the mouth end. The gentle feeling of passing past those teeth is amazing, and extremely easy to clean and dry is always a bonus - being open-ended as it is
Durability: As others have mentioned the color on lips and vulva quickly washes off. After over a year of heavy use the inner lining has separated on the vaginal side and both rings have torn. I think that's all within expectation. (My Zhang Xiao Yu has met a similar fate and probably quicker)
Feeling: The two directions do feel different. I generally preferred the oral side. Compared to Bocca della Verita (pictured) it has a less intense deep throat stimulation but is similarly if not more pleasurable. I prefer the softer teeth on this onahole as Bocca's hard plastic teeth can cause pain in prolonged sessions.
Cleaning: This toy is super easy to clean thanks to its open design. The teeth are however a bit of a problem because they are a separate pieces that dig into the main material. That leaves space for moisture to collect.
|+| - Price
|+| - Very easy to clean.
|+| - Two rings making the mouth tight and not as bad as other two entry onaholes
|-| - Actually no negatives about this one. This one blows away some toys made just for BJ.
The other side has a very nice entrance with great feeling. Hitting the center of the tunnel from this side is just magical.
There is also something very nice about being able to go in one end, and come out the other, providing you are big enough.
I would say the best part of this toy is using the pussy side and hitting the ring in the back of the throat side. Just amazing.
As for cleaning, this has to be the easiest toy I've ever cleaned. Water goes in one end, and washes everything out the other. Do note tho, you should make sure to clean under the lips around the teeth, and below the tongue. Overall 5/5 for ease of cleaning.
Even though you hit the same inside from both orifices, the different openings and initial texture means that both gives a completely different experience. Meaning if you're watching content you can easily swap between BJ and sex without having to switch toys, meaning less lube and general hassle.
Compared to FL Boost Blow, this is the first time a BJ felt more like the real thing. Mostly due to the teeth. A toothy BJ isn't great, but this toy doesn't overdo it, the teeth doesn't hurt, but they give you an amazing experience that really makes it different.
Since it's open on both sides cleanup and drying is super easy as well, meaning I use it more because how easily I can just go for a round and clean it up.
De mond kant geeft je echt een pijpbeurt, met de wat stevigere tanden en strakker keeltje.
C'est très agréable et la sensation est unique des deux côtés. Le produit et de bonne qualité, Facile à nettoyer.
Je recommande !
This shit is the real deal, and I can barely use it without getting emotional due to how closely it mimics the sensations my ex used to give me.
It's a must-have in your onahole arsenal.
Easy to clean (being open on both sides allows water to run right through), it's quite sturdy, have used it for several months.
Feels very nice and the feeling is unique from both sides.
Deze variant heeft mooie roze lippen welke uitnodigen om er gebruik van te maken.
Vergeleken met goedkopere alternatieven alsmede fleshlights en de Meiki serie is deze kleiner qua formaat maar geeft daarentegen wel meer en een strakker gevoel.
Schoonmaken is ook een makkie en de twee ingangen verschillen echt extreem qua gevoel.
Voor deze prijs mag je dit niet laten liggen.
Enige nadeel dat ik kan noemen is dat de kleur van zowel de schaam als mond lippen snel vervaagt, maar dat neemt niks weg van het genot.
- The teeth have just the right amount of roughness on them, not too soft to barely provide any stimulation but also not so hard that it could hurt you.
- Doesn't leak lube despite the two holed design due to how tight it is.
- The tightness and design also make up for the lack of any kind of vacuum caused by the open design.
As for the differences:
- Sturdier than onaholes which cost two or three times more. Despite the repeated use, there is no tearing and both rings remain intact and tight enough.
- Due to my size, with both rings intact and being able to fit my whole dick from one end to the other so that it can stimulate every centimeter of it, the NUPU 3 Pussy Lips ended up being even more intense than the tighter NUPU 3 Sujiman.