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Beschreibung / KYO Toy Sack Big

KYO Spielzeug-Sack - BIG

Go big or go home! Wenn du deine Masturbatoren, Torsos von Sexpuppen oder Mini-Sexpuppen in perfekter Form halten möchtest, ist eine gute Lagerung unerlässlich. Diese XL-Spielzeugtasche bietet Platz für alle außer den größten Sexspielzeugen.

  • Kordelzug-Verschluss: Riskiere nicht, deine Sexspielzeuge an den scharfen Zähnen eines Reißverschlusses zu beschädigen! Der Kordelzug ist einfach und sicher zu handhaben.

  • Atmungsaktives Material: Der Aufbewahrungsbeutel besteht aus einem robusten, aber atmungsaktiven Stoff, der Feuchtigkeit durchlässt und somit für optimale Lagerbedingungen sorgt.

  • Doppelt versiegelte Ränder: Im Gegensatz zu genähten Säcken mit losen Fäden, die Fusseln auf deinem Sexspielzeug hinterlassen können, sind alle Ränder dieses Spielzeugsacks doppelt versiegelt, um dieses Problem zu vermeiden!

  • Extra groß: Der KYO-Spielzeugbeutel misst 50x50 Zentimeter (19,7" x 19,7"), bietet also viel Platz für deine Spielzeuge.

  • Keine Fusseln: Das Material des KYO-Spielzeugsacks ist 100% fusselfrei.

Warum solltest du einen Sexspielzeug-Aufbewahrungsbeutel verwenden?

Wenn du dein Sexspielzeug sicher aufbewahren möchtest, ist die richtige Lagerung entscheidend – schließlich verbringen deine Spielzeuge dort die meiste Zeit. Ein wichtiges Kriterium ist, ein Material zu wählen, das kein Öl absorbiert und Feuchtigkeit durchlässt. So verhinderst du, dass sich Wasser in deinem Sexspielzeug staut, da feuchte Spielzeuge ein Nährboden für Bakterien und andere Mikroorganismen sind. Vermeide also die Plastiktüten oder -hüllen, in die viele Sexspielzeuge für Männer eingewickelt sind.

Viele große Sexspielzeuge werden mit einem geformten Plastikeinsatz oder einem Styroporteil geliefert, das sie stützt und vor Verformung schützt. Wenn du diese weiterhin nutzen möchtest, stecke das Spielzeug einfach zuerst in den Spielzeugsack und dann in die Originalverpackung mit der Stützfunktion. So wird dein Spielzeug geschützt und gleichzeitig von atmungsaktivem Stoff umgeben.

KYO Sexspielzeugsack: Was passt hinein?

Der KYO Spielzeugsack misst 50x50 Zentimeter (19,7" x 19,7"), sodass du Spielzeuge mit einem Umfang von etwas weniger als 100 Zentimetern darin unterbringen kannst. Große Masturbatoren wie die Kiwami und sogar Mini-Sexpuppen-Torsi passen hinein. Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte – sieh dir die Größe anhand des folgenden Bildes an. Die großen Spielzeuge auf dem Bild sind das KYO-Rock Girl (22x17x14 cm, 2,4 kg) und KYO Seven Sins (27x34x19 cm, 7 kg). Diese sind natürlich nicht in deiner Bestellung enthalten.

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This thing is actually perfect
Review by NoRealThrowaway
badge-check Verified Buyer
I'll admit, I wouldn't have bought it because I'm a big sucker for the original boxes of most of my Onaholes but it came as a freebie for the Halloween Special '24. Guess what else I got? The Slutfighter Hip and while I love the big thighs of justice from Chun-Li I did get slightly annoyed at taking the hips out of the box every freakin time. So I finally decided to actually use it.
This thing is so big that you could probably get two hips inside. It's not thick or anything and just right if you want to store it anywhere, the design is slick enough to not catch someone's attention if it's next to other stuff. If you need a big bag this thing is easily something I'd recommend.
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Groß und unauffällig
Review by user
badge-check Verified Buyer
Der Sack ist wirklich groß und verfügt über eine Kordel um ihn zu verschließen. Die Farbe ist unauffällig und auch für diejenigen geeignet, die ihr Onaholes vielleicht im Schrank verstecken wollen. Ich vermute der wird beinahe jede Hip fassen und erst bei ganzen Dolls irgendwann an seine Grenzen stoßen. Die Box meines Mini Torsos passte nicht ganz hinein aber der 2,6Kg Torso selber absolut problemlos.

Zur besseren Vorstellung gibt es ein Bild mit einer 1,5 Liter PET Flasche.
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Review by Thomsch
badge-check Verified Buyer
Lange nach einer Aufbewahrungstasche für mein großen Torso gesucht und hier gefunden.

Passt perfekt und durch den Stoff atmungsaktiv.

Ist nur zu empfehlen
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Very Big
Review by yeah
badge-check Verified Buyer
A very big bag to store your toys.
Enough space to easily store few hips.
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Good quality
Review by Sack
Great quality sack, makes things easy to handle. Also looks nice
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bin froh das es dies gibt
Review by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dieser Toy Sack ist perfekt zum verstauen großer Onatorsos und hips. Das Material ist atmungsaktiv und neutral gehalten, kann man also gut im Schrank verstecken, hehe. Ein weiteres Must Have für alle Onahole fans, gerade für große Toys.
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Weitere Informationen

Produktgewicht 250,00 g

International Reviews

Grand et pratique
Bewertung von Cheshire_lover
Grand sac opaque et respirant pour le stockage de jouets volumineux (idéal onahip ou équivalent). Bon produit
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Huge Size
Bewertung von Anonymous
No need for many words. It is huge. You can fit many onaholes in it. Definitely recommended.
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Must have for storing onaholes
Bewertung von 4rk
This toy sack is definitely big, just putting it out there. This is a must have if you're wanting to bundle together your toys so you always know where they are before and after use when stored away. One of these bad boys can store quite a lot of smaller onaholes away, but what blew my mind, is that its large enough to store away the Ereshkigal Cherry toy i bought together with the bag. The material of the bag is super nice and has a nice zip tie like opening, so its easier to get the toys in and out of there.
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Bewertung von S.B
Its made of a good, strong material. It's quite big and can fit in onahips and even some onatorsos.
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Very durable and breathable bag
Bewertung von LG
The bag is quite large and can store a lot of big onahole in boxes and even more without the boxes
One reviewer mentioned that the TPE oils may penetrate through the bag but that is easily solved ( I have wrapped my onaholes in baking paper so it is still breathable)

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Very cheap, very nice bag
Bewertung von AO
It's the perfect material for toys, it's a bit hard to close but having it open makes it easier to dry. The price makes it amazing, way better than any alternatives you can find.
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A must have
Bewertung von DeltaEcho
Perfect for storing your hips etc (like the cherry hehe)
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It's large
Bewertung von SomeoneFromEurope
It's really large, it can hold everything
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Perfect storage
Bewertung von LV
Best bag for big toys, quality is pretty good and you can put multiples onas if you dont care about them touching each others. Best service no problem about that
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BIG, Quality
Bewertung von B.G
I got this for free as part of the halloween event.
I would mainly recommend this for people with bigger toys, eg hip.
Its really big! I could easily store like 10+ normal size onas in here.
Kind of nice to use in combination with other bags, to store all in one place.
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Bewertung von Baban
Peut contenir plusieurs petit jouer et ne dégage pas une odeur particulière.
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Great storage
Bewertung von Anw
I got this bag as a free gift from the halloween event and I'd say it would be a good buy even if I didn't. I don't own any onahips or large onaholes, which it is better suited for, but I store multiple onaholes in it to keep them clean, safe and lint free. Second photo is with Taimanin Asagi Zero Miseijyuku no Bijyo on top to showcase the size
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Bewertung von Alex
It's really big, it's much bigger than it looks, which is great because you can store most of your onaholes. It also camouflages very well ?, highly recommended
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Very Big
Bewertung von Kohrean
It is very big and I could fit in my Onahip in it with no problem at all, tho i do still recommend putting something underneath it to catch some oil from the toys just in case.
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Very big
Bewertung von Hikari
It's bigger than i would have thought, I'd say this probably fits almost all onaholes/hips. The material is good and seems to not stain, but the print on the front does flake off easily, not a problem for me though.
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Very big
Bewertung von Kev
Nice design, nice colour, very big. It’s big enough to fit my Puni Virgin 3200 easily. The fabric is breathable and light. But unfortunately, the single layer fabric (polypropylene I think) doesn’t prevent the onahole oils from leaks through. So, the surface underneath will still get oily. I would still recommend getting one as a good and big storage solution.
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Bon produit
Bewertung von Rom+
Bon produit
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Large bag
Bewertung von Henry
Using it to store the Ereshkigal Cherry with plenty room to spare, Print does come off but that isn't a deal breaker.
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I really like the material and it fits the KYO 7 sins with some spare room left!
Bewertung von NN
Really nice woven fabric, it fits KYO 7 sins and you can still throw a couple more onas in there!
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Bewertung von Rudeus
Breatheable and it protects the toys. No issues.
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Good product
Bewertung von Rudeus
Great bag for storing your hips and smaller torsos
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Trés Bon Produit
Bewertung von Rom73
Un très grand sac de qualité KYO Toy Sick Big, matière agréable est douce très robuste qui s'est avéré bien utile. En plus de fournir des rangements, Esthétiquement très agréable, C'est pas cher pour rapport qualité/prix,
je le recommande vivement.
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Groot is ook groot!
Bewertung von Robin
Voor de Ereshkigal heup heb ik deze KYO Toy Sack Big erbij besteld. Nou, big is hij zeker! Er kan veel meer in dan alleen de heup en het beschermt je speeltjes in een donkere tas. Voor de prijs is het ook zeker niet verkeerd. Voorheen bewaarde ik mijn speeltjes in de oorspronkelijke doos, maar de tas is naar mijn idee hygiënischer, omdat het nog wel luchtdoorlatend is (kunnen de speeltjes nog wat nadrogen na het schoonmaken). Is het een must-have? Nee, dat denk ik niet. Maar voor de prijs, het gemak en de hygiëne is het een goed product. Op de foto zie je hoe groot de zak is vergeleken met de Nezuko Double Tooth Blow Job. Een onahole van relatief gebruikelijke grootte. Kun je nagaan hoe groot die zak is.
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Great product
Bewertung von Onaholio
Made of a good material and large, perfect for storing hips. Looks nice and doesn't leave lint or marks on toys.
Fits Ereshkigal Chery with some room to spare.
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Great (both in size and quality)!
Bewertung von Kiyama
Yeah this pouch is really big! I also bought it together with the Ereshkigal Cherry hips, and they fit inside with room to spare! (Though the bag is big, it's not fit-the-entire-onahips-box-big.)
The quality is good and there was no lint to speak of. The material seems like it's both good quality and breathable, which is rather surprising considering the price!

Included the hips for reference on the picture and as you can see - it's a big one!
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Larger than expected.
Bewertung von Dek
I bought this with Ereshkigal Cherry (6.1kg). And as you see with just the box, it covers the entire thing, plus a little bit of extra room.

And after you bust, It will keep your Onahip away from dust! ;)

I recommend buying one if you're planning to buy an Onahip (and for easy access). But if you want, you can easily fit multiple small onaholes, instead.
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It's a bag!
Bewertung von nzu
This bag is made of a nice quality material, and is big enough to fit a onahip and leaves enough space to fit an additional onahole. It helps makes things more discreet. The only addition I would like is some handles to make it easier to carry.
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Large-sized bag
Bewertung von M
The size of the bag is quite large, I wasn't expecting it. My hip toy easily fits. No complaints.
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Assez grand
Bewertung von Maxime
Je l'ai acheté pour éviter les plastiques utiliser pour l'emballage et cela évite que l'humidité reste dans le sextoy
Et la taille est bien assez grande pour un masturbateur hanche
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Just as expected
Bewertung von Sweedee
Works just as it should, fits my onahip quite nicely.
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Great storage for onahips
Bewertung von Anon
Great storage bag for onahips that keeps them safe from dust whilst allowing them to "breathe". After a roughly a year of use the first bag I bought has only had the KYO logo start to fade while the bag itself still feels strong even though that bag has held Ereskigal Cherry 6KG and during repacking I've not supported the toys weight.

In the picture: 4th Gen Arina Hashimoto Hip 7KG partly unwrapped.
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Does what its meant to do
Bewertung von Nnoob
the quality is good and has held up being wraped and played away. the text kinda flakes off after a few months, but i dont have it out for display anyways. large and could hold a number of toys in it, great expansion pack :)
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Expected a different material..
Bewertung von Federik
I was hoping for a true canvas bag, this is kinda sintetic? I'm not an expert but the bags I bought from Amazon have better material, at least this one doesn't stain the onahole even if it's black.
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For bigger onas
Bewertung von Someone
Good quality
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Good quality
Bewertung von Elric
Big bag, which can fit a lot of stuff inside. The tissue is of a good quality. Recommended to store your toys.
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More than large enough
Bewertung von P.
Bought it for my Puni Ana DX, which I was afraid of it getting deformed or wrinkled in storage, but this bag is so large that it can even store the hip inside of its plastic cover. It's just a perfect fit, so be careful if you intend to use it with a toy larger than Puni Ana DX's box.
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Bewertung von Kaguya
Best way to store all the stuff a way.
Keeping it dry and clean.
This big one will let you put alot in one bag.
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Useful Bag
Bewertung von Sotiris
This is a well designed and sturdy bag. Navy blue is a beautiful colour and the sparse lettering on it make for an aeshetically pleasing item.

It's also useful, not just for storage, but equally as a clean, lint free surface to place your toys upon when they are in use, as another reviewer rightly observed.

The price is good and I highly recommend this bag to onahole owners.
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Useful Storage and Surface
Bewertung von Sotiris
KYO Toy Sick Big is a large, sturdy bag that has proven very useful.

Apart from providing storgae, it can also be used as a mat to place your toys upon.

Aeshetically very pleasing, navy blue with KYO and some Japanese lettering.

It's inexpensive and I highly recommend it.

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Way bigger than I thought
Bewertung von Bastien
Just like ayisme on the first review, I bought it to store my Puni Ana DX mostly but this is soooo big than I could shove my other onaholes as well in there. It feels sturdy enough and the fabric is breathable. A good way to conceal my things and also keep them safe. I like this bag, I recommend it.
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Pas mal
Bewertung von Poulet77
Pour le prix, c'est pas mal du tout ! Le sac possède un grand espace de rangement.Il est composé d'un matériau qui laisse passer l'humidité, ce qui est parfait.
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Indispensable mais basique
Bewertung von FAB
Baluchon de marin des mers de la branlette assistée aux couleurs du site et avec l'insigne Motsutoys dessus, c'est une évidence à mettre dans le panier d'achat quand on voit large, et vu le prix c'est difficile de trouver un argument contre son utilité
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Exactly what was advertised
Bewertung von Perv
A very large quality bag.
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Really nice looking bag but...
Bewertung von Edan
I've bought this Toy sack to store one of my bigger toys in but the sack unfortunately ripped easily.
Probably because the toy was too heavy and maybe even a biit to big for the bag. I should've have bought the Toy Bag XXL but it's out of stock here.
Still, for the bag itself, its quite sturdy (well if you don't put the heaviest toys ever in it) and otherwise, it WOULD have served
the purpose. My bad for choosing the wrong size of storage for my toy.
Shipping was quite fast!
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It really is BIG
Bewertung von ayisme
When I ordered this product i wanted to store a Puni Ana DX inside. After it arrived, I realised just how massive this sack is. You could probably fit in 4 Puni Ana DX. The walls of the sack are really thicc but still let air through and feels good to the touch. It does it job well and no thread has come yet. If you are looking for a storage for the big plastic, look no further ;)

Tl;dr Good quality and lots of space
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